Will you rise to the challenge?
It’s time to leave the excuses behind. It’s time to have a deep, fulfilling relationship with God. It’s time to be in shape to serve others. It’s time for deeper intimacy and connection with your wife and kids. It’s time to lead.
The crown awaits for all who love Him.
This means a commitment to RUTHLESS TRUTH in every aspect of your life.

Our relationship with our body
…I urge you to offer your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice to God, a sacred offering that brings Him pleasure; this is your reasonable, essential worship.
Romans 12:1

Our relationship with God
Love the Eternal One your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind.
Matthew 22:37

Our relationship with our wife, family and friends
Love others in the same way
you love yourself.
Mark 12:31

Our relationship with our business, ministry, or workplace
So no matter what your task is, work hard. Always do your best as the Lord’s servant, not as man’s, because you know your reward is the Lord’s inheritance.
Colossians 3:23
Will you rise to the challenge?
Studies & Special Events
We offer in-person events and the best of the best virtual groups to power your journey. Engage and commit below:
Covenant of the King Study & Check-in
- 7585 Fredle Drive, Concord Township, Ohio 44077
- 7PM to 9PM